“Our Children Can Not Aspire To Be What They Can Not See”
What Does Our Foundation Provide?
Making A Difference.
Enlarging the roles of individuals uniquely positioned to influence individuals, in community outreach efforts. Create a supportive environment, which enables individuals to perform to their potential.
Bring People Together.
Our foundation brings together members who share the common goal of implementing concepts that will change the public's attitude towards involvement in inner-city community development.
Maximizing Ideas.
Actively valuing different backgrounds and perspectives, fostering teamwork among heterogeneous communities, maximizing the overall support, and help individuals need in attaining their goals.
Built For Success
We bring together members who share the common goal of implementing concepts that will change the public’s attitude towards involvement in community development, while enlarging the roles of individuals uniquely positioned to influence individuals, in community outreach efforts.
The Three Doctors, LLC.
65 Hazelwood Avenue
Newark, New Jersey 07106
Tel: 908.625.3441
Email: info@threedoctors.com
For speaking, press and other requests please contact:
Windy White at 908.625.3441 or windy@threedoctors.com